Redling Fine Art

Brian O'Connell

CV in print & other writings

RFA Exhibitions

  1. Brian O'Connell: Walls & Lights, 6757 Santa Monica Blvd


    Jul 13–Aug 17, 2013

  2. Brian O'Connell: Ways & Means


    Jan 14–Mar 3, 2012

Selected Images

Brian O'Connell, PALOMAR, Laure Genillard, London, 2016. Installation view

Brian O'Connell, PALOMAR, Laure Genillard, London, 2016. Installation view

Brian O'Connell, The World Looks at the World, 2016, eighty-five cast glass panels, plaster, dimensions variable

Brian O'Connell, PALOMAR, 2015, 16mm color film print from color negative printed from black and white reversal original: approx 12 min

Brian O'Connell, How to UCLA, 2014, QR Code,

Brian O'Connell, After Before Present/April 28-29, 2014/-64 BP (IX, Permanent Green Light, 3:36 PM), 2014, Watercolor, gum-bichromate on paper, 72 x 33.25 inches

Brian O'Connell, Made in L.A. 2014, Hammer Museum, Los Angeles. Installation view

Brian O'Connell, Made in L.A. 2014, Hammer Museum, Los Angeles. Installation view

Brian O'Connell, Walls & Lights, 6757 Santa Monica Blvd, July 13th–August 17th, 2013, Redling Fine Art, Los Angeles. Installation view

Brian O'Connell, Untitled #14, 2013, rapid-set cement, balsa wood, 33 x 44 inches

Brian O'Connell, Untitled #5, 2013, rapid-set cement and balsa wood, 33 x 44 inches

Brian O'Connell, Brightly Coupled 14, 2013, gum bichromate print on watercolor paper with soldered lead frame, 24 x 18 inches

Brian O'Connell, Brightly Coupled 3, 2013, gum bichromate print on watercolor paper with soldered lead frame, 24 x 18 inches

Brian O'Connell, Ways and Means, Redling Fine Art, Los Angeles, 2012. Installation view

Brian O'Connell, Cement Painting no. 14, 2011, Cement Painting no. 15, 2011, Cement Painting no. 16, 2011, Cement All, balsa wood and oak frame, 12 x 9.25 x 1.5 inches each

Brian O'Connell, Details: Meeting, PS1 July 2010, 2010, cyanotype on clearprint vellum, 72 x 48 inches

Brian O'Connell, detail of B(n)CC 1, 2011-2012, stylus drawings on letter size NCR-CFB paper in linen box, 1 x 9.5 x 12 inches

Brian O'Connell, detail of B(n), 2012, stylus drawings on letter size NCR-CFB paper in linen box, 1 x 9.5 x 12 inches

Brian O'Connell, Drafting Machine, 2012, Alder plywood, copper and hardware, 32 x 47.5 x 23.25 inches

Brian O'Connell, Openings to the water I stopped
searched for cracks and the wanting parts I fixed
A boat sold by the daughter of its builder, a fisherman,
to a shipwright who left it there, 2012, concrete, steel, wooden fishing boat remnants, approximately 8 x 7 x 27 feet

Brian O'Connell, detail of: Openings to the water I stopped
searched for cracks and the wanting parts I fixed
A boat sold by the daughter of its builder, a fisherman,
to a shipwright who left it there, 2012, concrete, steel, wooden fishing boat remnants, approximately 8 x 7 x 27 feet

Brian O'Connell, detail of: Openings to the water I stopped
searched for cracks and the wanting parts I fixed
A boat sold by the daughter of its builder, a fisherman,
to a shipwright who left it there, 2012, concrete, steel, wooden fishing boat remnants, approximately 8 x 7 x 27 feet

Brian O'Connell, detail of: Openings to the water I stopped
searched for cracks and the wanting parts I fixed
A boat sold by the daughter of its builder, a fisherman,
to a shipwright who left it there, 2012, concrete, steel, wooden fishing boat remnants, approximately 8 x 7 x 27 feet

Brian O'Connell, Let Us Make Cake, 2011, Video animation, The New Museum, New York, NY

Brian O’Connell & Todd Bourret, Harry and Pete, Dumbo Arts Center, Brooklyn, NY, 2011. Installation view

Brian O'Connell, (Not) Architecture for the Kunsthalle, PS1, 2010, 2010, rammed earth (Miracle Gro Potting Mix and Portland Cement), 144 x 15.5 x 15.5 inches each

Brian O'Connell, (Not)Architecture, Partial Walls for Dorsch Gallery, Miami FL 2010, 2010, rammed earth: Miracle Gro Potting Mix and Portland Cement, 3 x 37 x 10 feet

Brian O'Connell, Structural, Uncontrolled, Hollywood, Political, Auteur, Cosmic, Happy, Sad, and Ordinary, Redling Fine Art, Los Angeles, 2010. Installation view

Brian O'Connell, The Concrete Boat Project, produced by Redling Fine Art, Los Angeles, 2009

Brian O'Connell, The Concrete Boat Project, produced by Redling Fine Art, Los Angeles, 2009

Brian O'Connell, The Concrete Boat Project, produced by Redling Fine Art, Los Angeles, 2009

Brian O'Connell, The Concrete Boat Project, produced by Redling Fine Art, Los Angeles, 2009

Brian O'Connell, The Concrete Boat Project, produced by Redling Fine Art, Los Angeles, 2009

Brian O'Connell, The Concrete Boat Project, produced by Redling Fine Art, Los Angeles, 2009

Brian O'Connell, The Concrete Boat Project, produced by Redling Fine Art, Los Angeles, 2009

Brian O'Connell, Science Feb. 19 1971, (Form 1), 2008, wood, 4 x 4 x 6 feet

Brian O'Connell, House Beautiful, Adamski Gallery, Berlin, Germany, 2007. Installation view

Brian O'Connell, Composition No.1; Composition with Red and Black, filter yellow, 2007, color photogram, 40 x 30 inches

Brian O'Connell, Composition No. 1; Composition with Red and Black, filter magenta, 2007, color photogram, 40 x 30 inches