Redling Fine Art

Pippa Garner: Autonomy N' Stuff (Garnerrhea)


May 17–Jun 30, 2018

Press Release (PDF)

Pippa Garner: Autonomy N' Stuff (Garnerrhea), Redling Fine Art, Los Angeles, 2018.

Pippa Garner: Autonomy N' Stuff (Garnerrhea), Redling Fine Art, Los Angeles, 2018.

Pippa Garner: Autonomy N' Stuff (Garnerrhea), Redling Fine Art, Los Angeles, 2018.

Pippa Garner: Autonomy N' Stuff (Garnerrhea), Redling Fine Art, Los Angeles, 2018.

Pippa Garner: Autonomy N' Stuff (Garnerrhea), Redling Fine Art, Los Angeles, 2018.

Pippa Garner, Power to the People (nose hair trimmer), 2018, Mixed media, 15 x 14 x 8 inches.

Pippa Garner, Power to the People, (pencil sharpener), 2018, Mixed media, 6 x 11.5 x 5 inches.

Pippa Garner, Power to the People (toothbrush), 2018, Mixed media, 4 x 11.5 x 8.5 inches.

Pippa Garner, Power to the People (meatgrinder), 2018, Mixed media, 14 x 12 x 10.5 inches.

Pippa Garner, Power to the People (meatgrinder), 2018 (detail).

Pippa Garner, Super Shuffle, 2018, Mixed media, 42 x 42 x 21 inches.

Pippa Garner, Super Shuffle, 2018 (detail).

Pippa Garner, Specimen Under Glass, 2018, Framed photograph, 25 x 18.5 x 1.25 inches.

Pippa Garner, Cock-tail | Blender, 198X, Pencil on paper, 11 x 8.5 inches.

Pippa Garner, Global Yokal, 2018, Mixed media, Dimensions variable.

Pippa Garner, Global Yokal, 2018, Mixed media, Dimensions variable.

Pippa Garner, Crotch Crutch (put your best foot forward), 2018, Mixed media + digital video (loop)
Sculpture: 46.5 x 48 x 48 inches.

Pippa Garner, R.I.P. (Robotic Intimacy Provider), 2018, Mixed media, 64.5 x 27 x 19 inches.

Pippa Garner, autono*mous, 2018, Collage on board, 9.25 x 16.25 inches.

Pippa Garner: Autonomy N' Stuff (Garnerrhea), Redling Fine Art, Los Angeles, 2018.

Pippa Garner: Autonomy N' Stuff (Garnerrhea), Redling Fine Art, Los Angeles, 2018.

Pippa Garner, GPS (Gas-Powered Shoebuffer), 2018
Mixed media, 9.5 x 11 x 14 inches.

Pippa Garner: Autonomy N' Stuff (Garnerrhea), Redling Fine Art, Los Angeles, 2018.

Pippa Garner, Stand by your Brand, 199X, Pencil on paper, 11 x 17 inches.

Pippa Garner, Personal Security Items, 1995, Pencil on paper, 11 x 17 inches.

Pippa Garner, Funny Cars, 199X, Pencil on paper, 11 x 17 inches.

Pippa Garner, Spring Cleaning, 199X, Pencil on paper, 11 x 17 inches.

Pippa Garner, How Long, 1996, Pencil on paper
11 x 17 inches.

Pippa Garner, Hitching A Ride, 199X, Pencil on paper, 11 x 17 inches.

Pippa Garner, Dogmatic, 199X, Pencil on paper, 11 x 17 inches.

Pippa Garner, Pickup Shticks, 199X, Pencil on paper, 11 x 17 inches.