with Constance De Jong, Sarah McMenimen and Kate Spencer Stewart
Jul 22–Aug 26, 2017
Press Release (PDF)
“The inhumanity of contemporary architecture and cities can be understood as the consequence of the negligence of the body and the senses, and an imbalance in our sensory system. The growing experiences of alienation, detachment and solitude in the technological world today, for instance, may be related with a certain pathology of the sense.
It is thought-provoking that this sense of estrangement and detachment is often evoked by the technologically most advanced settings, such as hospitals and airports. The dominance of the eye and suppression of the other senses tends to push us into detachment, isolation and exteriority.”
-Juhani Pallasmaa in The Eyes of the Skin

CD SM KSS, Redling Fine Art, Los Angeles, 2017.

CD SM KSS, Redling Fine Art, Los Angeles, 2017.

CD SM KSS, Redling Fine Art, Los Angeles, 2017.

CD SM KSS, Redling Fine Art, Los Angeles, 2017.

CD SM KSS, Redling Fine Art, Los Angeles, 2017.

Kate Spencer Stewart, Decorative Triptych, 2017, Flasche and cassein on canvas, 84 x 252 inches.

Sarah McMenimen, Crustaceans Rise From Salt Water for Vengeance, 2017, Poured aluminum, aluminum-cast Moringa seed pods, plaster, brass tubes, silver chain, collected shells, tape, steel, horse bit, 71 x 21 x 21 inches.

Sarah McMenimen, Flow, Swarm, Swirl. Follow, 2017
collected shells, poured aluminum, aluminum cast Moringa seed pods, brass tubes, bells, plaster, tape string, steel, 60 x 24 x 20 inches.

Sarah McMenimen, Every Relationship Earthrise, 2017, Collected shells, poured aluminum, aluminum cast Moringa seed pods, steel, brass tubes, string,
66.5 x 24 x 24 inches.