Liz Glynn: gold after gold
May 31–Jun 16, 2012
Press Release (PDF)
In 2002 Liz Glynn briefly operated a "Cash for Gold" shop out of Redling Fine Art. Customers could bring their own jewelry and exchange these items for gold-plated replicas. As the sign boasted "Services Offered: Commemorative Transactions Value-added Services Symbolic Exchanges"

Liz Glynn, gold after gold, Redling Fine Art, 2012. Installation View.

Liz Glynn, gold after gold, Redling Fine Art, 2012. Customer Card

Liz Glynn, gold after gold, Redling Fine Art, 2012.
Anonymous Memorial (Selected rings)

Liz Glynn, Anonymous Memorial 29-005, 2012, Gold-plated bronze, 2.5 x 2.5 x 6 inches