Lazaros: HSD.1952.078.a - HSD.1952.078.g
Sep 13–Oct 13, 2016
Press Release (PDF)
Lazaros is interested in the systems, theories and methodologies which humanity has created to explain the unknowable. His research and participation in differing intellectual and spiritual traditions (such as archeology, organized religion, cults, folklore, and witchcraft) have led to works that embody, perpetuate and mirror back our own belief systems.
Press: LA Weekly

Lazaros, HSD.1952.078.a – HSD.1952.078.g, Redling Fine Art, 2016. Installation view.

Lazaros, HSD.1952.078.a – HSD.1952.078.g, Redling Fine Art, 2016. Installation view, potions.

Lazaros, 999 Conductor, 2016 , Aerospace grade aluminum plated with 99.999% pure gold, 11 x 11 x ½ in

Lazaros, HSD.1952.078.a – HSD.1952.078.g, Redling Fine Art, 2016. Installation view.

Lazaros, HSD.1952.078.a – HSD.1952.078.g, Redling Fine Art, 2016. Installation view.

Lazaros, HSD.1952.078.a – HSD.1952.078.g, Redling Fine Art, 2016. Installation view.

Lazaros, HSD.1952.078.b (THE MONKEY ALIAS ADOLF HITLER), 2016, wood, paint, paper, pen & resin, 9.5 x 9.5 x 9.5 inches.

Lazaros, HSD.1952.078.c (GEORGE WASHINGTON), 2016 , wood, paint, paper, pen, tape & resin, 9.5 x 9.5 x 9.5 inches.

Lazaros, HSD.1952.078.a (WINGLESS BIRD), 2016, wood, paint, paper, pen, tape & resin , 7.25 x 2.5 x 10.75 inches.

Lazaros, HSD.1952.078.d (THE SPHINX), 2016, wood, paint, paper, pen, tape & resin, 5 x 5 x 10.75 inches.

Lazaros, HSD.1952.078.e (HAUGHTY HANNAH), 2016, wood, paint, paper, pen, tape & resin, 9 x 6 x 11.5 inches.

Lazaros, HSD.1952.078.g (MAORI CHIEFTAIN), 2016, wood, paint, paper, pen, tape & resin, 7 x 8.25 x 10.75 inches.

Lazaros, HSD.1952.078.f (SEA COW), 2016, wood, paint, paper, pen, tape & resin, 11.5 x 11.5 x 16 inches.