Redling Fine Art

Pippa Garner: Tinker Tantrum


Apr 16–Jun 4, 2017

Press Release (PDF)

Press: LA Times
Press: Hyperallergic

Artist Statment: Shirtstorm
Artist Statment: Crowd Shroud

Garner in Esquire, 1973
Garner in Artforum, 1978

Pippa Garner: Tinker Tantrum, Redling Fine Art, Los Angeles, 2017. Installation view.

Pippa Garner: Tinker Tantrum, Redling Fine Art, Los Angeles, 2017. Installation view.

Pippa Garner: Tinker Tantrum, Redling Fine Art, Los Angeles, 2017. Installation view.

Pippa Garner, World's Most Fuel-Efficient Car, 2007, 1972 Honda 600 converted to be human-powered, vinyl floor decal, painted wood sign, 60 x 52 x 120 inches.

Pippa Garner, World's Most Fuel-Efficient Car, 2007, 1972 Honda 600 converted to be human-powered, vinyl floor decal, painted wood sign, 60 x 52 x 120 inches.

Pippa Garner: Tinker Tantrum, Redling Fine Art, Los Angeles, 2017. Installation view.

Pippa Garner, Shirtstorm, 2017, 25 handmade t-shirts, 106 x 106 inches.

Pippa Garner, Crowd Shroud, 2017, wheelchair, wood, paint, vinyl, two-way mirror, bicycle lights, 54 x 42 x 19.50 inches.

Pippa Garner, Crowd Shroud, 2017, wheelchair, wood, paint, vinyl, two-way mirror, bicycle lights, 54 x 42 x 19.50 inches.

Pippa Garner: Tinker Tantrum, Redling Fine Art, Los Angeles, 2017. Installation view.

Pippa Garner
Donate your Car
pencil on paper
14.5 x 11 inches

Pippa Garner, Sell Your Self, pencil on paper, 14.5 x 11 inches.

Pippa Garner, Double Duty, pencil on paper, 14.5 x 11 inches.

Pippa Garner, Rated PG "Movie Extras", 1997, pencil on paper, 14.375 x 10.5 inches.

Pippa Garner, Untitled, 1982, pencil on paper, 8.5 x 11 inches.

Pippa Garner, Untitled, 1977, pencil and colored pencil on paper, 11 x 8.50 inches.